Everything Else

90 posts

Liverpool Annual Allotments Competition 2013 – Results

Congratulations to Tommy Hall, Plot 30 on coming second in the Liverpool Annual Allotments Competition. 14 allotment sites in the city entered and 70 individual plots were judged. This year we came 4th in the Best Kept Allotment Site category. You can view the results by clicking here.

Allotment Competition Update 2013

Judging has now taken place for the Liverpool Annual Allotments Competition. Congratulations go to the five plotholders who were chosen from our site – Plot 30 – Tommy Hall Plot 39 – Joan Jennion Plot 52 – Gary flack Plot 65 – Maureen Coakley Plot 67 – George Holmes In […]

Liverpool Allotment Competition 2013

As usual, we will enter :- Association of Liverpool Allotments Best Kept Allotment Competition We are required to nominate 5 plots, which will be judged by representatives from other allotments and the city council As plot-holders, we would like you to propose other people’s plots (not your own) for consideration […]

Notice to Parents

The committee have just received a letter from a plot holder, complaining about unsupervised children running around and playing on theirs and other people’s plots. We would like to remind everyone, that although we welcome and encourage family involvement, the plot holder has responsibility for their guests/visitors, at all times […]

New Fire Rules

We have consulted with Liverpool City Council and we have extended the time when burning is allowed 1st October to 31st March. If you do burn you must follow these rules. No fires are permitted between 1st April to 30th September. The only materials which should be put to the […]