Everything Else

90 posts

2017 Allotment Competition

Thank you to everyone who voted for the five best plots to go forward for entry into the Liverpool Allotments Competition. The five plots are – Plot 30 – Tommy Hall Plot 39 – Joan Jennion Plot 52 – Gary Flack Plot 53 – Chris & Tony Beyga Plot 72A/73A […]

Can you grow the tallest sunflower at Ashfield Allotments?

Enter our competition to see who can grow the tallest sunflower. Entries need to be submitted by 25th June. The winner will be announced at our annual Flower and Vegetable show in August. Entry fee 50p, you can pop your entry in when the stores are open every Saturday and […]

Tatton Flower Show 2017

Tatton Flower Show 2017 Sunday 23rd July Tickets £34.00 – includes entrance ticket and coach travel [Times to be confirmed] Names to Ken (plot 13) or Terry (plot 71B) ASAP A deposit of £10.00 per person is required by 31st May Remaining monies by end of June Deposits cannot be […]

International Kidney Seed Potatoes

This year we’ve got International Kidney seed potatoes, more commonly known as Jersey Royals (when grown in Jersey). The taste is excellent and quite distinctive. Why not have a go at growing some? Available in 5lb bag for £3, 3lb bag for £2, 2lb bag for £1.50. We’ve still got […]

Be Considerate When Burning

Liverpool City Councils Environmental Health team have recently received a number of complaints about burning on the allotments. We’d like to remind everyone that if you do burn, you must be considerate to our neighbours and other plot holders. Please don’t burn when it’s windy or burn large amounts of […]