Winner of 'Liverpool's Best Allotment Site' 2016

Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) in Winter 2016 to 2017

If you keep poultry – whether on a commercial scale or simply a small backyard flock – you are now required by law to house them (keep them under cover) or otherwise keep them separate from wild birds. This requirement (the Prevention Zone) has now been extended until 28 February 2017. We have also banned gatherings of poultry across the UK.

All poultry keepers must continue to keep a close watch on the health of their birds, and take steps to reduce the risk of infection via the environment, for example in wild bird droppings, by practicing good biosecurity. You should do this even if your birds are inside.

More info can be found at – or download How to keep your birds safe from Avian Influenza (bird flu).